Saturday, July 23, 2011

Transhuman Rights Manifesto (Preamble)

Declaration Of Transhuman Rights---(Preamble)

1. Seres de origen non-terrestre ("aliens") tienen

derechos como los dema's, los "abori'gines" del

planeta en cuestio'n (Earth/Gaia/Terra/"terra

prime"/TERRA FIRMA/sol 3/).

2. Certain telepathic humanoids (bipeds) have different rights in addition to the rights of regular people (citizens of the USA eg)----they have the right to have specific atmospheric conditions/TEMPERATURES for theirthriving, not just survival.  See point Five below for more.

3. Supersensitive races may not be tortured by pain coming from outside them. If this is violated in ANY WAY, EVEN THE MOST MINISCULE (LIKE A SINGLE PIXEL, OR A CURSOR MISBEHAVING) THERE ARE LIKELY horrible unthinkable You-Dont want to know kinds of penalties for ALL of your life (AND AFTERLIFE.)

4. If they (transhumans or frank aliens) choose a mate, interference in any fashion will (not even a "nuon" ===>a tiny "almostthought of delay, etc, etc ad nauseum ad infinitum), not even a tiny bit, nor anything remotely LIKE a delay will likely be appreciated.  Or tolerated.

5. "Aliens" or hybrids of non-Terran races and humans
may just have exquisitely specific requirements like a different breathable atmosphere or different light tolerances.  They may only come out at night.  They may need for example, cocaine freebase (really) every day, like humans need glucose or vitamin C.  Or perhaps tubocurarine is an aphrodesiac to them.  They may be deadly-poisoned by the sodium iodide put in our salt.  Thus, to be here, they adjust whatever parameters they can.  In the near future these accommodations must be provided to them for free, like medical care in Europe, and soon the USA (coming SOME DAY!)  Beware, there are MANY OF US, AND WE ARE TAKING OUR RIGHTS, NOT ASKING FOR THEM OR WARNING YOU (MORE THAN THIS.)

6. "Don't torture it!" is what they "say" (thought-project) when they (some other trusted trained, HIGHER ORDER type of beings--think Galactic Bodhisattvas/Godly beings---Their monitors) see/detect ANYONE/ANY "THING" (BE IT human, transhuman or alien, or "digital") are harming a Terran or hybrid or other alien.  Is their "code-speak" for a poor approximation of our Terran idea of "sympathy." THIS IS THE  BASIC IDEA, BUT MOST parthenogenic aliens (often so-called "dol-women")  too often ignore this, cruelly and callously disregarding masculinity and feminityand they then make very bad mistakes (often times merely semantic/translation errors!) that cause real wars every day! Note that the very masculine ones of certain alien races (and some hybrids) for example type, are never to be called an "IT." Also the very very femme feminine ones should never be called an "IT." Use proper pronouns for gender--know that this is IMPERATIVE. (BAD ADJECTIVE!)

7. What is "fun" for some hybrids/aliens/assholes is Torture to humans and others.....

8. Stop the torture omg! Like the REM song, EveryBODY hurts.  P.S. To the "matrix-think" geeks, "becoming digital," WON'T WORK OR HELP YOU.

9. Transhumans should NEVER have to put up with primitive computers, especially APPLES AND IBMs--ESPECIALLY WITH  Microsoft operating systems. The speech recognition program will make you pull your fucking hair out. I kid you not. Let's not PRETEND ANYMORE RE: WHAT THE COMPUTER CAN AND WILL DO!!! (order) (adj) (exclamation point.)

10. There cannot be any peace without justice..

11. Those who claim to "enjoy" puzzles and complications BEWARE! Some non-Terran cultures abhor this to the point of pre-emptive attack against delayers or complicators (IT IS Severe!)

12.  To be honest the term Terran now only means that you LIVE on Earth.  It does not imply you are HUMAN.  It does not imply you are merely/only HUMAN.  Many, many, if not most humanoid Terrans are hybrids but have no awareness of this.  Our DNA has been examined and messed with my many Genera/Species from places (relatively) near and very far, over the generations.  We are so very often, very similar to the "others."  And yet, our differences are that which is to be enjoyed and savored, appreciated.  Not feared, or hated (if absolutely possible.)  Coexist.  We (native, regular-guy/gal Terrans, especially those whom  Leary called "larvals!") really have no other option.

13.  From HUMAN lexicon, strike words ending in "-ium".  Do so immediately--NOW!

14.  The Universal Translator is always talking about testicles....change the fucking program disc OR WE WILL "CHANGE' THE OFFENDER'S CORPUS COLLOSUMS. That is an ORDER!

15.  Never, I repeat NEVER INTERRUPT A TRANSHUMAN WHILE He or She IS SMOKING, OR PREPARING TO, OR---worst of all IMPEDE Him Or Her in ANY way--it is EQUAL TO OR worse than all cultural human sacrilige.  
  (i.e. if a person is trying to roll a cigarette, don't talk to him or her, or make the cigarette not roll or change it in ANY way.)  EVEN IF YOU ARE ZETA RETICULAN, "KLINGON" OR WHATEVER!  EVEN IF YOUR CRAZY-ASS "RELIGION" says to do it.  DON'T! The roller controls.  People literally die for committing this infraction on other planets (AND NOW HERE TOO.) The offender and their home planets will be thrashed and/or totally destroyed.  REALLY.

16.  *****VERBOTTEN!!!!***** 
THAT IS EXQUISITELY VERY BAD--like lethality..BUT WORSE...THIS IS A WORD THAT IS USED IN A SPECIAL WAY FAR FAR AWAY....IT IS NOT WHAT HUMANS USUALLY THINK. "Concerts," or more properly, "Koncerts," are sacred sexual "tantric" rituals, and are only negotiated a priori with exquisitely chosen ones. I AM BREAKING SOME RULES BY WARNING YOU ABOUTTHIS, SO "de nada!" WARNING! (ADJ!)

17.  ANOTHER AWFUL HATE-SPEECH STATEMENT, believe it or not (BELIEVE IT!), IS "GOOCHIE, GOOCHIE, GOO!"  really..if you don't know why, don't ask.

18.  NEVER SAY/THINK the words "TAKE A SEDATIVE" (this, in an alien language means "you are insane and we are going to use you for OUR amusement/mockery/your detriment!"  It is alsoLITERALLY equivalent, in English, to "YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE CASTRATED!" 
A twenty-first century parallel to this is the difference between so-called "freedom of speech," and so-called "hate-speech!"  Hate speech is a crime because, "them's fightin' words."
Now, one minor concession, to the motherfucking asshole sweinhund off-worlders/former off-worlders/idiot-hybrids (aka "useless eaters")  who may, in their fucked up moronic language,  could still, after all the warsTHEY FOMENTED, BELIEVE that they are saying something NICE(!)with that statement, they are allowed to say  "GET HIGH!," OR "SMOKE A JOINT!"  THE DIFFERENCE IS, THE LATTER 2 ARESEMIACCEPTABLE, THE FORMER ARE = TO "DON'T TORTURE you!(& I HAD TO ARGUE AGAINST THE HIGH COUNCIL FOR THIS, PISS-ANTS!!)

19.  Don't say/think "Do An INTERVIEW."  This means "you are to be locked up against your will and forcibly interrogated using physical torture and torture drugs."  If your motives are pure, unlike the motives of those who usually say/think these abominations, and you would like to do a "regular interview," as HUMANS normally think of the concept, you MUST NEGOTIATE THIS a priori PRIVATELY, with the TRANSHUMAN PERSON/whatever, with all parameters and payment made IN ADVANCE.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  WARNING!

20.  Never EVER, EVER! ever EVER, SAY/THINK the ridiculous statement (and SOME STILL as of yesterday, STILL DID THIS!--note past tense)     "TAKE A TESTICLE."
Punishment is severe, swift, agonizing and permanent. Faster and worse than "Instant Karma." (! ADJ! ) !OjO!

21.  Do not use the FEMALE NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)"trick" of speaking quickly/slurring your words when saying the words "talk to me," so as to the (usually) male ear, sounds like "Torture me."
If you are a masochist, and WANT TO BE TORTURED, say soclearly and enunciate it CAREFULLY, AND THEN DISCUSS PARAMETERS.

22.  Beware of ventriloquists!  No shit. I REALIZE THIS ONE MAY SOUND LIKE A JOKE OR SOMETHING. IT IS NOT.

 Most females (or many) are adept ventriloquists and can make others (again, usually hapless heterosexual malesTHINK they hear some "scare words" or "enticement words" from "somewhere else."  They are especially fond of using babies and children to "do their EVIL-SPEAK!"  Heterosexual men, these are secrets women teach their DAUGHTERS ONLY and NEVER  their sons.  Females are fond of saying "babies never lie..."  But THEY (females) lie as a rule.  As they eloquently say in Nederlands, Kanker Hoor!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Revolucio'n Mundial Comunista

Muchos Yanquis de mi "pai's de origen" (EE UU)  todavi'a tienen tanto miedo de nosotros comunistas...............!no lo entiendo!

!!!!!!Es tonti'simo e'so porque La Guerra Fri'a SE ACABO ya!!!!!!!!!

Lo probematico me parece, ES los ricos en Stati UNiti......K controlaban DEMASIADO.


Vamos amigos a cambiar la situacio'n..........Nuestros amigos son muy poderosos.
No solo me refiero a nuestros companyeros rusos o koreanos del Norte, ni solo a los Cubanos...etc! (Adjetivo)

Mejico ha sufrido  tantissimo por los jodidos gringos.........les trataban como esclavos.  E'so no puede ser, y no sera'.

He dicho.

Andre Lange
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